Sunday, March 23, 2014

How to Assemble Your New Doomsday Device

Congratulations on your new Uchukira™ Doomsday Device! Here's a handy video on how to easily and quickly assemble the most reliable planet killer on the market today. Brought to you by the Uchukira Corporation.

Uchukira: World Domination Made Easy™

This is a project that I've been working on for the last few days. The student film festival from last year is coming up again, and I managed to find out about it a whole week in advance this time!

I decided to do the animation in PowerPoint again, because I'm still pretty familiar with the software and I don't animate enough to buy any actual animation software. Here's a slide from the original PowerPoint and another excellent case study of why PowerPoint is not made for animation.

Each one of those lines is a single bubble, and that's not even the most complicated thing on this slide.

The film festival is on April 4th, so I'll let you know how it turns out. Wish me luck!

Saturday, March 8, 2014

Curves and Lines

You know those times when you want to convey a certain feeling in text and none of the fonts you look at convey that feeling so you make the font yourself?

I'm right in the middle of that.

Graphic design of the words "graphic design." I am aware of the meta.Lern to Kern

Fact: Business cards don't need phone numbers.

Right now I'm building all the characters in Illustrator out of circles and lines and using pathfinder selections to selectively add and remove elements.
As you may have guessed, this is for a business card. For the time being I'm just building the words I need ad hoc, but someday when I have some more free time I might expand this out into a complete font. It's got a cool, clean geometric feel that I really like.