Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Kawaii Week! Day 7: Bow Wow Baka

"Bow Wow Baka" works on so many levels. Like three that I can think of.

Over this past week I have developed a skill that I quite frankly hope to never have to use again. Not because it wasn't fun to do, but because if I ever do have to use this skill in a practical sense my life will probably be going down some weird paths.

Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Kawaii Week! Day 1: Box-Sensei

So I'm completely hooked on this now.

I've submitted a few more links to /r/Kawaii_Eyes, the disturbingly fun online collection of images with Japanese googly eyes plastered all over them. It's all sorts of fun and it's been getting me more familiarized with Photoshop, so win/win. And if I can squeeze a week-long event out of it, that's like win/win/win! That's a 150% chance of success! We're doing this!

Everything changed when the Pallet Nation attacked.

Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Secret Site Update Announcement!

A secret so secret, I'm announcing it in secret code! I am extremely proficient at secrets!
All images on the blog now have mouse-over text! BUT DON'T TELL PEOPLE BECAUSE SECRETS.


Monday, August 5, 2013

Kawaii Eyes

Internet art trends are fun. Last night I learned about a new subreddit called /r/Kawaii_Eyes, which is a collection of images that have been made horrifying through the addition of anime eyes. Needless to say, I spent the next few hours drawing anime eyes on things in MSPaint. Here are a few of those things:

 Quit Putin' me down!

There's a weird mix of shame and pride here, but the whole thing is just too hilarious to not share. So go ahead and check out /r/Kawaii_Eyes if you haven't already and submit some things too! It's a lot of bizarre fun!