Sunday, March 10, 2013

Midterm Week! Day 1

Spring break is fast approaching, and that means midterms are upon us! Most of my midterm assignments are pretty basic. I've got a paper to write for Composition and a report for Journalism, but 2D Design is going all-out.

Some of you may remember the gestalt and organization posts I've made in the past for this class. Well, our midterm project is to find seven nature photographs and modify them to reflect what we've learned. Four for the principles of gestalt (proximity, closure, similarity, and continuity) and three for the principles of organization (balance, emphasis, and rhythm). I'm making this a week-long series so that I can motivate myself to get them done at a steady pace. Here's the first. Closure, based on a panorama of Split Apple Beach taken by Amiram Zocowitzky:

Tide doesn't really ebb and flow, it just kinda rolls around from time to time.

Closure is a gestalt principle that states that familiar shapes can be seen as complete even when they are not. It's easy to perceive this planetoid as a circle despite the variance of form seen throughout.

I'm probably not going to go in any particular order with this project, so I can't say which one I'm doing tomorrow. Let's check back here tomorrow and we'll both find out.

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